Ik heb iemand met het beroep gasstoker in mijn stamboom. Wie kan mij vertellen wat voor een beroep dat was?
mvg, Tim v. Luttikhuizen
Beste Tim,
In “the 1891 London Census Transcription” (hier) vond ik een lijstje van victoriaanse beroepen;
Gas stoker; stoked the fire in a gas works
Zoek je dan verder, dan kom je uit op de site van Family Tree Services (hier) dan zie je daar dat een gas stoker ongeveer het zelfde beroep heeft als een stoker van een stoommachine;
Someone who worked in a gas works tending the fire. See also: Furnaceman, Fireman. Fireman is the designation for someone whose job is to tend the fire for the running of a steam engine, typically a steam locomotive. In other places where steam engines are employed, such as steamships and saw mills, the designation stoker is usually used. Much of the job is hard physical labor, such as shoveling fuel, typically coal, into the engine's boiler.
De site van Isle of man (hier) legt het misschien beter uit;
A stoker is someone who ‘stokes’, ie feeds, a furnace.
In this case he would have been working in the Gas Works feeding the coal into the furnaces to produce coal gas.
Op Ancestry.com hier) vond ik deze beschrijving over hoe het in z'n werk ging;
In the old days - before North Sea gas was discovered - gas was made by heating coal The process was complicated, it involved alternately blowing air and water vapour through the hot coal and there were a large variety of useful byproducts from organic chemicals to coke. There were also a lot of less useful byproducts, which means that old gas factories
are not a good place to put houses.
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